Mach 1 Chile Vodka
mach 1 chile vodka
Salt Flats Mach 1 Chile Vodka combines the smoothness of premium vodka with invigorating heat from Serrano and Fresno chiles, resulting in a thrilling and unforgettable taste. When you take your first sip of Mach 1 Chile Vodka, you'll immediately sense the exhilarating warmth. While the heat takes center stage, Salt Flats Spirits experts have skillfully achieved a harmonious balance in each bottle. Despite the boldness of the chilies, this Mach 1 vodka still maintains its smooth character and distinctive clean finish. The intriguing juxtaposition of fire and serenity makes every sip a remarkable sensory experience. Salt Flats Mach 1 Chile Vodka is crafted using a meticulous distillation processes that ensures exceptional quality and consistency.
Fresh Serrano and Fresno chilis steeped in Premium Vodka delivers a bright aroma and subtle-sweet pepper flavor.